Aftercare plan example

Reasons why aftercare program is important and needed.

To fully recover from addiction is not an easy task. Some people have a very hard time even admitting the fact that they have addiction problem let alone go to a rehab center and starting their addiction treatment program. It is a tough thing to deal with, and it is even more heartbreaking to see your loved one go through this ordeal without treatment, so you have no choice but to force this treatment to happen so that you do not lose them.

People who start their addiction treatment program often times are fully healed, but there is always a lingering feeling that there is something deep inside the brain that is always whispering to do drugs or drink alcohol or do any activity that you were addicted to before. Why? The answer is simple, according to many rehab centers and the research they did such as Impact Recovery Center, just a primary treatment at a rehab center is not enough to fully heal a person for good.

After a grueling inpatient treatment program or an intensive inpatient treatment program, a person cannot simply just go back to the life that they used to life. They need some time to adjust, and this adjustment is given in the form of aftercare program.

One might ask why the aftercare program is even needed, the answer is simple again. Due to high chances of relapse occurring among the general public who have taken the primary form of treatment but have still fallen prey to the addiction problem again. There are other reasons as well, to fully understand the importance and the reason for getting the aftercare program after the primary treatment’s success is because of the following:

Easy to fall back to old habits.

As mentioned above, relapse is the biggest reason that aftercare programs are needed. According to a research done, almost 50 percent to 60 percent people fall prey to the addiction again after getting primary treatment. This happened because there were some issues that were still left despite the program’s intensity that may have been used.

Learning from other post-rehab patients.

In the aftercare program by Impact Recovery Center, post-rehab patients come and sit together with current aftercare program patients to listen to them and help them in issues that they may be facing. They can give advice to these current patients and motivate them to go on and keep working on their addiction issues.

Aftercare program offers community support as well as accountability.

When anyone takes part in an aftercare program, you instantly become a member of a large community of post-rehab patients and the current rehab patients and the new ones to come. Because you will become a student until you fully heal and you will come back as alumni to help current rehab patients to heal themselves fully through the aftercare program.

Furthermore, if you are about to relapse, there will be people around you to help and to motivate you, you will be held accountable all the time. And even after the rehab treatment program, you will be able to fall back into the same network which will help you stay afloat and make sure you won’t ever have to suffer because of addiction again.

The research and the reasons say it all, aftercare program is here to stay and is here to help you heal fully from the addiction that has kept you down for a long while and has stripped you away from your potential and your happiness. But no more, now you can take back your life by getting an aftercare program for yourself through a respectable and professional rehab center such as Impact Recovery Center.

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