
How to Improve Your Diet During Pregnancy

Making smart food choices can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. When you are pregnant, your body requires extra nutrients in the form of protein, iron, folic acid and iodine, while calcium is also something that cannot be neglected. When you build an eating plan for yourself, make sure to add whole foods, which give you a higher amount of the good stuff that you need for your pregnancy. Try adding foods from different groups to aid the development of your baby.

While there are some foods and fruits that should be consumed during pregnancy, there also are some fruits and vegetables that you should avoid in pregnancy. If you feel that being pregnant is not possible but are still showing symptoms, visit to your gynecologist and check for PCOD vs PCOS as soon as possible. With the right treatment, you can fulfill your dream of becoming a mother.

1.Lean Meat

Proteins are the building blocks of life and provide you with amino acids. Lean meats are protein-rich and will also keep your hunger at bay while stabilizing your blood sugar. This makes lean meat one of the best foods to eat during pregnancy. In addition to being completely packed with proteins, they are also rich in iron, which prevents anemia and plays an important role in the development of the baby’s brain.


Trying to keep up with your baby’s calcium needs? Have three to four servings of dairy daily to supply calcium steadily to your bones, nerves and muscles for proper functioning and the developing bones of the baby. You can pair yogurt with fresh fruits, honey or sugar, any way you like it. Yogurt also prevents stomach upsets and yeast infections because of the active cultures present in them.


Carrots are crammed with beta-carotene, which get converted into Vitamin A by the body. This nutrient is important for an expecting mother as it helps the baby with healthy eyes, skin, and various organs. You can get as creative as you want when it comes carrots. Make muffins, pancakes, eat them raw. This is one of the most important nutrients for a growing baby and an expecting mother.


In case you are looking for plant-based sources of protein, fiber, iron, calcium, and folate, try legumes. Lentils, Peas, Peanuts, Soyabean, are all needed for the healthy and holistic development of your baby. Some varieties of legumes are also considered to be very high in iron, potassium and magnesium.


Fruits and vegetables are filled with nutrients and add variety to your everyday diet. Eating fruits can also prevent constipation, which is a common symptom of pregnancy. There are some fruits that you must eat during your pregnancy, like oranges, lemons, mangoes, avocados and bananas. But there also are some fruits avoid in pregnancy, like grapes, papaya and canned fruits.Consult your doctor and get a diet chart right from the beginning of your pregnancy to ensure healthy development for your baby.

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