How to cure acne scars using Dermarollers?

How to cure acne scars using Dermarollers?

Females usually suffer from a burn or surgical scars, stubborn acne scars, stretch marks, and deep wrinkles. Microneedling is the best option to treat acne scars and stretch marks. It is the safest and surest way to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines caused due to growing age. You can seek the help of renowned medical professionals for your microneedling job. However, nowadays several manufacturers are offering devices to cure acne scars, pimples, and fine lines at home.

Dermaroller to remove wrinkles

You can make use of 0.75 dermaroller to diminish acne scars, wrinkles, and deep lines. It also eliminates stretch marks on your skin. It also helps to remove hyperpigmentation and aging spots. It boosts the appearance of your uneven skin tone. Microneedling using dermaroller boosts skincare products absorption. It also improves skin texture. It is ideal for all areas of the neck, face, and body.

The device has 192 individual needles. It is a stainless and CE-medical certified dermaroller. It comes in a sealed package for instant use. The spill-proof handles provides safety. Application of dermaroller on your skin stimulates keratinocytes to rejuvenate your skin.

Intended for advanced or intermediate users

The 0.75 dermaroller is ideal for advanced/ intermediate users to take care of loose skin, eliminate stubborn fine lines and wrinkles, and minor acne scars. It also promotes the growth of your beard. It improves hair growth and prevents hair loss. You should not use this dermaroller around your eyes and the forehead. You need to use this device to get rid of acne scars and tighten your skin.

Usage Procedure

You need to wash your face before using dermaroller for best results. 0.75 mm needles are ideal for use on the lower part of your face to get rid of acne scars. You can also use this device on your scalp to improve hair growth. The new device is already disinfected so that you can readily use it. However, you need to disinfect the device using isopropyl alcohol.

You are advised to apply numbing cream to your face. The device can be rolled vertically and horizontally six to eight times. It makes micro-holes in your scars. It takes some time to heal these micro holes on your skin. It thickens the skin during the healing process and prevents fine lines and wrinkles on your facial skin. You can use this device for 4 to 6 sessions for best results with an interval. You can buy this device from a reputed online store at affordable rates.

Who should not use dermaroller?

People suffering from open wounds, skin cancer, psoriasis, fungal skin infection, keratosis, and cystic acne or raised warts or moles are advised not to use 0.75 dermaroller.

You can also make use of coconut oil to eliminate contracture scars. You need to gently heat the coconut oil and apply it to the scar and massage for about 10 minutes. It is suggested to repeat this process daily 4 times for best results.

You can also cover the scar using honey before sleep at night. You can cover it with a bandage. It is suggested to remove the bandage in the morning and wash it with warm water.

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