Dr. Ryan Shelton Gives 4 Skincare Tips For People Age 40+

Dr. Ryan Shelton Gives 4 Skincare Tips For People Age 40+


Skin aging might seem like a distant reality until we start showing some fine lines, dryness, and wrinkles. While we cannot stop the aging process, we can take actions to help control or postpone it – to an extent.

What Changes After 40?

Dr Ryan Shelton says, with aging, the amount of fat under our skin and around the muscles is reduced and redistributed. Eventually, this leads to the formation of folds and wrinkles on our skin. Around the age of 40, loose skin, discoloration, dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles also start to appear.

There are a bunch of factors that actively contribute to this, including: your overall health, genetics, and how well your skin has been taken care of throughout your life. One other very important contributing factor that people seem to forget about are eating habits.

Consuming higher levels of sugar can cause glycation of our skin. Sugar can attach to the protein in our skin and eventually lead to fluid retention. Wrinkles are the result of it. Additionally, smoking can make your skin age faster.

Caring For Your Skin After The Age Of 40

Dr. Ryan Shelton’s tips will help you fight the most prominent signs of aging. You need to follow these tips for healthy, younger-looking skin.

Loose Skin

After the age of 40, our skin produces less collagen and elastin. Both of these are proteins that offer structure. There also can be a mild loss of muscle mass, which can lead to a drooping, especially in the face and underarms.

Some of the ingredients that have the potential of helping in the development of collagens are Vitamin A, C, D3, and E. Additionally, evening primrose oil supplements and Omega-3 fats can assist in maintaining hydration and increasing collagen production.


Hydrating our skin is extremely important. You need to ensure that you are drinking enough water daily and that you aren’t using products that further reduce the hydration in your skin.

You can start your day with a rich, creamy cleanser. This will help to maintain your natural skin oils. During the day and before going to bed, apply a considerate amount of moisturizer. Do not forget to apply moisturizer to your lips, hands, and feet.

Feet are very susceptible to dryness and cracking with age. Soaking them in warm soapy water and exfoliating them will help to remove any dead skin. Again, be sure to follow this will a heavy moisturizer.

Skin Discoloration

Sun damage or hormonal imbalance can eventually lead to discoloration and pigmentation changes with growing age. Applying sunscreen while you are exposed to sun rays is a must. Use at least SPF 30 sunscreen and reapply it after every 3 or 4 hours.

You also can go for some natural face masks. Keep in mind that Vitamin E, C, and obviously retinol are great for your skin. So, try to choose products that contain these vital skin nutrients.


Fine lines and wrinkles are the most prominent signs of aging that become worse after turning 40. When neutralizing free radicals, ferulic acid, Vitamin C, and E play a vital role. During the daytime, you can go with a serum that has these ingredients.

In the evening, choose a cream with peptide, hyaluronic acid, and retinol. The skin under our eyes is thin. Thus, it requires a more care as well. Don’t forget to apply products to those areas as well.

Final Tips

Skincare is important during all stages of life. However, after you turn 40, aging skin becomes a lot more noticeable and requires more care. In order to maintain your youthful appearance as long as possible, follow the 4 tips listed in this blog.

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