Difference between a residential rehab program and a non-residential rehab program.

Difference between a residential rehab program and a non-residential rehab program.

There are only two main ways of treating a drug or alcohol addict. The first way is through the residential rehab treatment program and the second way is through the non-residential rehab program. Both are used sometimes one after the other, vice versa. For example, some may use the residential program after the non-residential program while some may do the opposite by choosing the non-residential first then the residential as the residential mostly has an aftercare plan in it.

So, what are the residential programs for treating drug and alcohol addiction? It is the one and the only treatment that has been around for decades and is healing people with faster rate than the non-residential method. This residential method is called the inpatient treatment program. Now, you may be a bit confused regarding the definition of inpatient treatment program, but it is quite simple. Inpatient means, a patient that has to admit themselves into a center to cure themselves. The inpatient treatment program asks the patient to be admitted into the facility, be it a residential facility or a rehab center’s facility, both are the same, in both you have to live in a facility for an indefinite period of time.

Now take the contrast that the outpatient rehab program, which is the non-residential rehab program. In the outpatient rehab program, a patient cannot stay in a rehab facility for an indefinite period of time, instead they have to make a timeframe for themselves that will tell them when they can come to the facility and for how many hours they can stay. Usually, the timing is from 1-2 hours a day that spans a couple of days per week, some might get the whole week for a few hours a day, it totally depends on the level of addiction the patient is facing.

Now, let us take the difference of the functionality of both, in the inpatient treatment program, the patient has to detox themselves off of the drugs and even medications can be used to help the patient get used to the withdrawal of the drugs, these medications are mostly alternate versions of the drugs that they used to take but in very less amounts so that they can gradually get used to the drug fading away day by day.

Then comes the therapy programs, the therapy programs are all inclusive, for example, the inpatient treatment programs used the individual therapy, group therapy, CBT therapy, and many other forms of therapy to help the patient heal from within. The price for the inpatient treatment program will of course be a lot mainly because one has to live in a residential area, and the constant support of the doctors, nurses, and the fellow recoverees is something of an added benefit which make it a program that is more likely to heal you quicker than the outpatient rehab program.

Now let us look at the outpatient rehab program. The outpatient rehab program is more of a limited form of treatment, you get to not use medications unless really needed, therapy is the main method of healing the person. Depending upon the type and level of addiction, even the reason of it, different therapies might be applied to different people—there is no set method. It is very economical as compared to the inpatient treatment program, but has lower chances of healing.

Therefore, now that you know what inpatient treatment program is and what outpatient treatment program is, choose

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