
Monkeypox outbreak: After New York, California declares state of emergency to seek more vaccines, raise awareness

Sacramento: Governor of California has stated an emergency to accelerate efforts to fight the Monkeypox outbreak, becoming the second state in three days to take steps. Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday said the declaration would help the country coordinate government responses, find more vaccines and lead outreach and education efforts where people could get treatment and vaccines. “We will continue to work with the federal government to get more vaccines, increase awareness about reducing risk, and standing with the stigmatization of the LGBTQ community battle,” Newsom said in a statement that announced the declaration.

The monkeypox virus spreads through prolonged leather-to-skin contact, which can include hugs, hug and kiss, and through sharing beds, towels and clothing. People who are sick so far are mainly men who have sex with men, although health officials note that the virus can infect anyone.

Public health officials are clear: Stigma is unacceptable and counterproductive in public health responses,” Michelle Gibbons, Executive Director of the California Regency Executive Association said in a statement. “The fact is that Monkeypox is mainly spread by skin contact to the skin and sharing objects such as beds or towels, without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity.”

The type of monkeypox virus identified in this plague is rarely fatal, and people usually recover in a few weeks. But the lesions and blisters caused by the virus are painful, and they can prevent swallowing or defecating if in the throat or anus.

The declaration in California came after a similar one in the state of New York on Saturday, and in San Francisco on Thursday. The Newsom government has said it has only been on Friday that it is too early for such a declaration. After urged Newsom to make such a declaration, Democratic State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco praised the Governor’s Decree. “Monkeypox outbreak is an emergency, and we need to use every tool that we must control,” Wiener said.

Newsom proclamation allows emergency medical personnel to manage the monkeypox vaccine approved by the Federal Government. It is similar to the new law that allows pharmacists to manage vaccines, said Newsom administration. It is said that the state response is being built on the steps developed during the Coronavirus Pandemic to establish a vaccination clinic and ensure there is a outreach of the population that is vulnerable to cooperating with local and community organizations.

California has received more than 61,000 vaccine doses and has distributed more than 25,000 doses. “We don’t have time to be wasted,” Los Angeles Regency Supervisor Kathryn Barger said in a statement. He said the most popular area in the country must use all the available resources to accelerate the distribution of vaccines and help those who have been infected.

The Newsom Office said Los Angeles County had received separate vaccine allocations. Last week, the state had expanded its testing capacity to process more than 1,000 tests a week.

In San Francisco, Peter Tran is among hundreds who sometimes lined up for hours to receive the Monkeypox vaccine at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital on Monday after the clinic was forced to be closed last week because it did not receive enough doses. “This is terrible. Like this is a vaccine that has long come out. And like, this is not even a deadly disease. It’s more difficult to transmit than Covid. But the launch of the vaccine throughout this country is really terrible,” Tran said.

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