Yes, young mothers infected with the virus can breastfeed

Yes, young mothers infected with the virus can breastfeed


  The contagion responsible for Covid-19 has not been detected in the bone milk of youthful maters infected with the contagion. 

 Iga antibodies, which cover against the coronavirus, were present for at least two months in the bone milk of women infected with the coronavirus. 

 Reduced Threat of infection, seditious conditions, rotundity … Bone milk has multiple benefits. In this time of epidemic, another virtue has been added to this list. This is the protection conferred by this liquid buried by the mammary glands of the mama against Covid-19. Several studies have plant that women affected by the coronavirus have antibodies to the contagion in their bone milk. A study, published in review Borders in Immunology on December 23, stressed new data that goes in this direction.  

 For the purposes of the work, American experimenters signed 64 nursing maters. They constantly took the women’s milk and nipple cells for two months, after they tested positive for Covid-19. Their thing was to assess the attention of IgA antibodies in maters’milk after coronavirus infection.  

 75 of bone milk samples contain defensive antibodies 

 According to the results, 27 nipple samples revealed the presence of Covid-19. But this discovery of the contagion on the bone was associated with the cough of the nursing woman. Scientists say the contagion responsible for Covid-19 wasn’t detected in the bone milk of the actors. Utmost of the milk samples, or 75 of the 316 samples, contained IgA antibodies, which cover against the coronavirus. 

 “ The attention increased during the first two weeks following the onset of symptoms of Covid-19 or a positive test”, can we read in the study. According to the authors, IgA antibodies were present in bone milk for at least two months in 77 of the maters. “ These results support recommendations encouraging breastfeeding women to continue suckling during and after constricting Covid-19”, the experimenters concluded. 

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