How Omicron can affect your gut; symptoms to watch out for

How Omicron can affect your gut; symptoms to watch out for

Omicron can affect your gut piecemeal from upper respiratory tract and the abdominal symptoms are getting common in people infected with the new strain. 

  Suffering from puking, nausea and abdominal pain without fever? It could be due to Omicron infection, and experts say one should get tested for Covid if you have these abdominal complaints indeed without respiratory symptoms or fever. 

Omicron can affect your gut piecemeal from upper respiratory tract and the abdominal symptoms are getting common in people infected with the new strain. Indeed people who are vaccinated are passing these new symptoms. 

  Some of the new symptoms of covid-19 include nausea, abdominal pang, puking, loss of appetite and diarrhoea. 

“The people may originally present with abdominal symptoms without any respiratory complaints. The presenting complaints could be back ache, abdominal pang, nausea, puking, loss of appetite and diarrhoea. This could be due to Omicron infecting the gut mucosa and the performing inflammation,”says Dr Manoj Goel, Director, Pulmonology, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.  

 The expert says that indeed though double-vaccinated people are also coming forward with complaints of abdominal issues, these symptoms aren’t adverse and not of important concern. 

” Don’t pass off abdominal pain, nausea and loss of appetite as a normal flu, if you have symptoms, insulate yourself. Avoid tone- drug including so- called safe Ayurvedic treatment without consulting your croaker. Try and maintain good hydration, eat frequent, small, wholesome and light refections including nuts. Avoid racy food and alcohol. Symptoms if mild might not be of concern,”says Dr Goel.  

“One should test for Covid if you have abdominal complaints indeed without respiratory symptoms or fever as this could be due to Omicron infection,”he added. 

 Tips to manage gut symptoms like nausea and puking if you’re infected with Omicron, as per the expert 

 * People should eat fresh cooked food maintaining good hand hygiene. 

 * Avoid participating refections with others.  

 * All raw fruits should be completely washed before consuming. 

 * Avoid eating outside food and indeed if you’re vaccinated, maintain all covid safety protocol.  

 Omicron, the rearmost variant of concern, is spreading presto as scientists across the world conduct studies to understand it more, and is likely to come a dominant strain soon. The variant not only spreads more efficiently than delta variant, causing substantially mild complaint, but is also said to be able of reinfecting people who have had Covid infection preliminarily or indeed double vaccinated. 

 As per experts, the symptoms of Omicron mimic features of common flu and affects upper respiratory tract. According to Centre for Disease Control (CDC), some of the common symptoms associated with Omicron are cough, fatigue, traffic and watery nose. Scientists have also noted that loss of smell and taste appear to be less common among people lately testing positive for this rearmost strain. 

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