Dr. Arun Mitra  

 As prognosticated by the scientists, the third surge of SARS COV-2 is spreading presto around the world. First case of the variant of the contagion, the Omicron was reported in South Africa only a many weeks agone. Soon it spread to Europe, America and now it’s spreading tentacles in Asia including our country. The United Kingdom recorded1.40 lakh new cases on 8th January 2022. The number of new cases in the USA on the same day stood at4.43 lakh and India1.59 lakh. This number is likely to go high by the middle of February. During the alternate surge of Delta variant the loftiest number in India was4.14 lakh cases on 6th May 2022. The Delta variant was largely deadly and was the cause of loss of mortal lives in large number. The Omicron is said to be not as deadly; still it may be too early to give a firm opinion on this as the mutations in contagions are well known. Further over at present there’s a combination of SARS COV-2 contagions causing the infection.  

 The Delta variant contagion attacked the lungs causing respiratory heads. Thus the number of people who needed admission in the hospitals was veritably high. In discrepancy the Omicron contagion has been plant to affect more on the nose and throat so the symptoms act ordinary flu. Still the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised that it shouldn’t be taken smoothly. The WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “ the further contagious Omicron variant of coronavirus appears to produce less severe complaint than the encyclopedically dominant Delta strain, but shouldn’t be categorised as “ mild”. 

 Laxity by any one, the government or the people can be dangerous. The COVID applicable geste in the form of using masks, washing hands, sanitising and maintaining 6 bases distance from one and another must be followed. Respiratory driblets can be transmitted through coughing, sneezing, contact with defiled shells, or indeed through gobbled aerosols; thus, each existent must take acceptable way to reduce their exposure to these patches by wearing masks and rehearsing safe social distance measures. 

 Wearing of proper mask is veritably important. The mask must fit on the face duly s that air can not enter from sides but has to pass through the face of the mask. Periphery of the contagion has been plant to range between 50 nm to 140 nm. Certain masks are considered more effective at minimizing the threat of exposure, particularly N95 masks. The defensive capabilities offered by N95 masks are considered as it can remove at least 95 per cent of all patches with an average periphery of 300 nm or lower. The surgical masks are cheese layered masks which offer protection. The cotton masks have large sized pores and would be pervious to SARS-COV-2 patches, though it may render limited protection by blocking waterlessmicro-droplets of slaver (1). Simple measures as per the scientific information about COVID applicable geste are the rescuers. 

 Still, but not taken seriously ill, there may develop herd impunity in the population which could be the morning of end of the epidemic, If the Omicron doesn’t beget serious detriment also it may turn out to be boon as if large number people get infected.  

 In the last two times when the first case of SARS COV-2 was reported we’ve come important wiser in terms of its opinion, operation and forestallment. Vaccination is a big step forward. Omicron can infect the double vaccinated person as well but the effect is fairly milder. Thus it’s important that the vaccine targets are achieved encyclopedically. Lately addressing a press briefing, the head of global health body, the WHO repeated his call for “ lesser equity encyclopedically in the distribution of and access to Covid-19 vaccines”. But he advised‘ grounded on the current rate of Covid-19 vaccine rollout, 109 nations will miss the WHO’s target for 70 per cent of the world’s population to be completely vaccinated by July’. The number of vaccinated population varies drastically among the nations. Performance of some countries in vaccination is a real cause of concern. 

Syria has vaccinated only 12 per cent of its population by 6th January 2022. Also chance of population vaccinated in Afghanistan is 10 per cent, Sudan8.9 per cent, Ethiopia7.9 per cent and Somalia only7.4 per cent. This is in discrepancy to 99 per cent vaccinated in UAE, 92 per cent in Cuba, China 87 per cent, UK 76 per cent and Sri Lanka 74 per cent. India has vaccinated 63 per cent population (2). Since the world is well connected these days, it’s important that all the countries around the world must achieve the vaccination target by July as imaged by the WHO. This isn’t so delicate a task. It requires political will on the part of the world leaders. In fact the UNO should cover the whole process and insure that the vaccines reach the inadequately performing countries in sufficient figures so that they can vaccinate the population ontime.However, indeed the trained man power for the job should be made available in these countries, If demanded. Any inequity in vaccination will hinder the ideal of getting relieve of the Epidemic soon. (IPA Service) 

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