Black Tea for hypertension and heart disease

Black Tea for hypertension and heart disease

The world is passing the third surge of the global epidemic, Covid-19. With the Omicron variant getting the dominant strain of the Coronavirus, all of us are chancing it delicate to keep up with the fleetly shifting contagion and the intermittent restrictions and lockdowns. The epidemic has tutored all of us how important asset health is and it’s still necessary to admit that in addition to COVID, there live several other health hazards that one needs to look out for. 

  Hypertension is a life complaint that affects nearly thirty percent of our population and is characterized by a constant high inflow of blood in the highways that puts pressure upon them and ultimately leads to reduced pliantness. This in turn thwarts the proper transportation of oxygen and blood to the heart. This can lead to heart conditions and hypertension has been plant to be one of the leading causes of cardiovascular conditions. Cardiovascular conditions in themselves have been plant to be one of the most worrisome health conditions that are associated with high mortality rates. 

It’s thus important that we look into both these conditions and find out ways to combat them. Indeed though there’s no prescribed primer that can help manifest a longer life but there are certain life changes that are able of changing our lives for the better by mollifying the side goods of these conditions. A healthy diet and a regular drill governance are the most extensively sermonized results towards achieving a better life but it’s easier said than done. We bring to you a simple and minor life change that can contribute greatly towards fighting these two conditions. 

  Studies have shown that consuming three mugs of this warm drink in a day can help reduce blood pressure significantly. Since it helps hypertension, it’s also effective in controlling heart conditions. Black tea also contains flavonoids, which help reduce threat of heart conditions and contribute to heart health by helping blood circulate freely in the highways. Flavonoids also reduce inflammation, which is a leading cause of poor heart health. 

 Indeed though consuming three to four mugs of black tea in a day has shown to have salutary goods vis-à-vis the heart and hypertension, it’s important not to go overboard with its consumption. Too important consumption of black tea can lead to side goods similar as wakefulness because of the caffeine that’s present in it. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and inordinate consumption can lead to anxiety, headache and dizziness to name a many. It’s thus imperative for you to cover the volume and frequence for optimum goods. 

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